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LCQ3: Measures for dealing with animal abuse

    Following is a question by the Hon Margaret Ng and an oral reply by the Secretary for Health Welfare and Food, Dr York Chow, in the Legislative Council today (February 8):


     Regarding the measures adopted by the Government for dealing with animal abuse, will the Government inform this Council:

(a) whether it will consider imposing heavier fines on animal abusers to enhance the deterrent effect;

(b) how it will improve the procedures adopted by law enforcement agencies for handling reports by the public on animal abuse cases, and to strengthen publicity and education among the public, especially the young people, on animal protection, so as to make them understand that they should respect life; and

(c) whether it will review the existing legislation on animal protection to see if there are any outdated provisions; if so, of the specific details of the review plan?


Madam President:

(a) According to our past experience in enforcement and investigation, most of the animal cruelty cases are due to negligence, such as failing to provide adequate care. Cases of ill treating animals with intention are generally uncommon. Under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance (Cap. 169), the maximum penalty for cruelty to animals is a fine of HK$5000 and imprisonment for 6 months. The administration is studying the level of penalty on animal cruelty of other countries. We are considering to increase the maximum penalty to enhance the deterrent effect.

(b) If the public discover any act of animal cruelty, they can call the police, or call the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) via 1823 ˇ°Citizen's Easy Link" hotline. The public can also report via email. Upon receipt of reported cases, the enforcement agencies will deal with the case as soon as possible. If there is sufficient evidence showing that the person concerned violates the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance (Cap. 169), the offender will be prosecuted. According to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance Cap 169, any senior veterinary officer, any other officer of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department of the grade of Field Officer II and above and authorised in writing by the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation, health officer, health inspector or police officer may enforce the Ordinance. The current procedures adopted by the enforcement agencies in handling reports of cruelty to animals are considered both appropriate and sufficient. The Police and the AFCD will continue to work in close collaboration with the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) in tackling these types of offences.  

     Pet owners have the responsibility to take good care of their animals. AFCD conducts regular village and community campaign, such as educating the public to be responsible to their pets and ensure that they comply with vaccination and licensing requirements. Website of AFCD contains educational materials available to the public. AFCD take every opportunity in dog shows or animal related activities to educate the public. A radio APIs on the topic of prevention of cruelty to animals has been produced. In addition, we will produce series of TV and radio APIs to remind people the importance of treating pets well, Responsible Pet Ownership and respect the life of animals. The APIs will be ready for broadcast in February 2006. Posters and pamphlets on the same topics are being produced, which can be sent to schools, pet shops, veterinary clinics and private buildings when ready.

     Besides, on the prevention and education fronts, the Police Public Relations Bureau (PPRB) has formulated an action plan for 2006 to enhance public awareness through established channels, i.e. Police TV Programmes, Junior Police Call Radio Programmes and press interviews, with the aims of highlighting the responsibilities of pet ownership and care, and also seeking to enlist public support in reporting instances of cruelty to animals to Police.

     Where an investigation unit considers a public appeal appropriate for a specific case or series of cases, PPRB will also arrange for prompt publicity.

(c) Currently, the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance (Cap. 169) covers various aspects of physical suffering of animals and the coverage is adequate. Strengthening enforcement, education and publicity together with deterrent penalty would be an effective way to address the problem. We remain open to review the relevant Ordinance.

Ends/Wednesday, February 8, 2006
Issued at HKT 12:27