CE's speech at Spring Reception (with photos)

    Following is a translated summary of the speech given by the Chief Executive, Mr  Donald Tsang, at the Spring Reception at Government House today (February 7):

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

     Once again, spring is in the air.  Let me start by wishing everyone happiness, health and prosperity for the Year of the Dog - and of course, kung hei fat choy!
     At this time of the year, with flowers blooming, it is easy to sense the feeling of renewal that always accompanies this particular change of season.  Spirits are high, business is good, and people are looking forward with keen anticipation to the year ahead. After a few hard years, the economy really turned the corner in the Year of the Rooster.  But, I am sure that everyone here joins me in hoping that we can build on that revival, and do even better, in the Year of the Dog.  

     At the moment, our economy is in the best shape it has been since the Asian financial turmoil.  Our GDP growth last year is expected to be around 7%.  Unemployment is at a four-year low, although we must and will do more to bring it down even further to help ensure that as many people as possible in Hong Kong can benefit from this economic recovery.

     Spring is also a time to sow the seeds for future growth. And that is what we intend to do over the next 17 months. The SAR Government will make economic and livelihood issues our first priority of business. We will focus on further promoting economic development, sharpening our competitive edge and further improving the lives of our people.  Our priorities will be rooted in public opinion and guided by the principle of enhanced governance and promoting the welfare and interests of Hong Kong people.  And, we will strive to achieve concrete results within my term of office.

     It is also my hope and wish to build a more harmonious and compassionate society; and to help everyone in Hong Kong to show more love and care to one another.

     I would like to see harmony not only in human relationship; but also between human and nature. In a tiny place such as Hong Kong, we have learnt to cherish our natural environment.  We have redoubled our efforts over the past few years to protect our environment.  This has started to bear fruit.  But we will continue to face new challenges.  Public awareness about environmental protection has also heightened.  I am sure that with ongoing community support and action, we can and will build an even better home in Hong Kong.

     Ladies and gentlemen, spring is indeed a season of hope and renewal - for nature, for our families and for our community as a whole. It is my sincere hope that we can all work together with unbridled determination and enthusiasm in our hearts, to help Hong Kong and our country to grow into an even more prosperous home for us all.

     Thank you.

Ends/Tuesday, February 7, 2006
Issued at HKT 19:05