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Annual Survey of Innovation Activities in the Business Sector for 2005 starts

The Census and Statistics Department is conducting the Annual Survey of Innovation Activities in the Business Sector for 2005.  The survey aims to collect information on innovation activities in the business sector.  About 5,500 establishments in various economic sectors have been selected to participate in the survey.

2. The survey is conducted under Part III of the Census and Statistics Ordinance (Chapter 316), which requires any person selected for the survey to complete the questionnaire or cause it to be completed by some other authorised person to the best of his/her knowledge and belief.  It has been notified as a mandatory statistical survey in L.N. 183 of 2002 in the Government of the HKSAR Gazette of November 29, 2002.  In accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance, the collected information relating to individual establishments will be kept in strict confidence.  Only aggregate information, which does not reveal details of individual establishments, will be released.

3. The Commissioner for Census and Statistics, Mr Fung Hing-wang, appealed to all selected establishments to return the completed questionnaire to the department by March 10, 2006.
4. If necessary, officers of the department will visit individual establishments and assist them in completing the questionnaire.  These officers will each carry a Government Identity Card and a certificate for conducting the survey, which are available for inspection.

5. Any enquiry regarding the survey may be directed to the Science and Technology Statistics Section of the department at the telephone number 3579 8085.

Ends/Friday, February 3, 2006
Issued at HKT 11:45