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Housing Department spends $90 million to install air-conditioner condensation drain pipes

    Preparatory work is now under way at Chuk Yuen (South) and Sha Kok Estates, the first two public rental housing estates to install condensation drain pipes for air conditioners  under the Housing Department¡¯s $90 million project to improve the problem of water dripping from air-conditioners.

     The project is one of the three improvement projects costing about $688 million to enhance the living environment of PRH estates. The other two projects are replumbling works at more than 800 public rental housing blocks and lift modernisation programme.

     "A total of $90 million will be spent over the next five years to install condensation drain pipes for air conditioners at the external walls of 334 blocks in 78 public rental housing estates," the Assistant Director of Housing (Estate Management), Mr Bay Wong, said today (January 31).

     To minimise costs for the use of gondolas and scaffolding for external access, Mr Wong said the installation works would be carried out, if possible during the periodic external wall redecoration or cleaning works. Tenants are advised to check their air-conditioners and have the plastic tube ready for connecting to the drain pipe.

     Mr Wong stressed that every effort would be made to step up site safety precautions to ensure the well-being of the work force.

     ¡°Following completion of the improvement works, we will review the situation and consider whether dripping from air-conditioners should be included as a misdeed under the Marking Scheme for Tenancy enforcement in Public Rental Housing Estates,¡± he said.

     Although all housing blocks completed after 1996 have been provided with condensation drain pipes, there are three types of housing blocks without such installations:-

* Blocks where all flats do not have balconies or verandahs; and
* Blocks where the balconies or verandahs inside all or some of the flats are separated from the living area by kitchens, lavatories or solid walls.
* Blocks where all flats have balconies or verandahs adjacent to the living areas;

     ¡°The proposed improvement works will cover only blocks where all flats do not have balconies or verandahs and blocks where the balconies or verandahs inside all or some of the flats are separated from the living area by kitchens, lavatories or solid walls,¡± Mr Wong said.

     ¡°For blocks where all flats have balconies or verandahs adjacent to the living areas, condensation water can be discharged effectively as the air-conditioners are normally installed within the balconies or verandahs,¡± he said

     Noting that water dripping from air conditioners creates serious environmental nuisance problems, Mr Wong said that the department received 16,389 complaints, issued 14,351 verbal warnings and 2,576 written warnings and made 20 referrals to the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department during the first 10 months of 2005.

     The department will remind tenants from time to time about preventing dripping through proper installation and maintenance of their air-conditioners.

Ends/Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Issued at HKT 09:02


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