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Two men jailed for conspiracy to traffic in a dangerous drug

    Two men aged 30 and 35 were sentenced to 16 and 27 years of imprisonment respectively for conspiracy to traffic in a dangerous drug at the Court of First Instance today (January 25).

     The court heard that officers of Narcotics Bureau arrested three men for trafficking in dangerous drug after 4.8 kg of "ice" were found from two of them when they were departing at the Hong Kong International Airport in May, 2002. The trio later pleaded guilty to their charge of trafficking in dangerous drug and were sentenced to imprisonment ranging from 13 to 15 years in December, 2002.

     One of the convicted men of the case later provided information to the Police claiming that a 30-year-old man had recruited him to be a drug trafficker. Police enquiries led to the arrest of the man at the Lok Ma Chau Boundary Crossing Point on his return to Hong Kong in March 2004. He later admitted that he had assisted another 35-year-old defendant to recruit drug traffickers to smuggle "ice" to another country.

     Police further arrested the 35-year-old defendant for conspiracy to traffic in a dangerous drug in Tuen Mun in August 2005. Both defendants were each charged with one count of conspiracy to traffic in a dangerous drug and the sentences were meted out today.

Police Report No.10

Ends/Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Issued at HKT 22:22


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