Traffic ban in central harbour for Lunar New Year fireworks display

     The central part of Victoria Harbour will be closed to marine traffic on January 30 (Monday) from 7pm to 9pm for the 2006 Lunar New Year fireworks display. The Marine Department will implement the marine traffic measures in conjunction with the Marine Police and the Fire Services Department to ensure safety and smooth traffic at sea.

     A Marine Department (MD) spokesman today (January 22) said that the fireworks would be launched from three barges mid-stream off Wan Chai, starting from 8pm. The surrounding waters will be closed from 2pm to 11pm to all traffic, except craft directly involved in the fireworks display, Government launches, and other authorised vessels.

     "From 7pm to 9pm, the traffic ban will be enlarged to cover all the central harbour. Vessels, other than the excepted vessels (i.e. vessels directly involved in the fireworks display, Government launches, and other vessels approved by the Director of Marine), will be prohibited from entering or remaining in the restricted area," the spokesman said. "This area is bounded on the east by a line joining Hung Hom Railway Station Cargo Pier and the breakwater at Kellet Island of the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club, and on the west by a line joining the southwest extremity of the Ocean Terminal and the Central Government Pier."

     To ensure orderly disembarkation of passengers after the fireworks display, special areas will be set up at Queen's Pier and Kowloon Public Pier from about 8.10pm. These areas will include waters stretching from the piers to a distance of about 90 metres offshore. All vessels must wait at designated gathering areas for their turn to enter from the east and, later, to depart from the west of the special areas. The Marine Department and Marine Police launches will be on site to enforce the traffic measures.

     All vessels approaching the restricted area before or during the fireworks display, and vessels dispersing from the viewing positions after the display should proceed at a safe speed (generally not exceeding 5 knots); maintain proper lookout; and avoid using searchlights that will obstruct lookouts and affect safe navigation of other vessels.

     Before a voyage, coxswains or masters should ensure their passengers know where to find and how to use life-saving equipment; that all children wear lifejackets; and a passenger list is prepared in case of emergencies. The carrying capacity of a vessel must not be exceeded.

     Small vessels, in particular those with no decking or less than five metres in length, are advised not to proceed into or remain in the central harbour area during the event. In areas of high traffic density such small vessels are vulnerable to the wash from larger vessels and are not easily detected by large vessels with higher freeboard.

     To assist in landward crowd control, all public piers and landing steps within the restricted area will be closed from 7pm to 9pm. Small craft are advised to make use of other public landing facilities during the closure period. Due to high demand for landing facilities within the restricted area when they reopen, it is inevitable that delays will be experienced at all public landing facilities in the central harbour area. If possible, masters should use landing areas away from the central harbour for disembarkation.

     Emergency assistance can be sought from the Marine Department through VHF radio on channel 16 (call sign "Hong Kong Rescue"); from Marine Regional Command and Control Centre by dialling 2803 6240, 2803 6241 or 999; or by issuing distress signals.

     In the event of bad weather, the fireworks display may be postponed to January 31 (Tuesday), starting at the same time with the same traffic arrangements as set out above.
For details of marine traffic arrangements, please read Marine Department Notice No 15 of 2006 at

Ends/Sunday, January 22, 2006
Issued at HKT 11:00