Safe navigation in poor visibility

    The Marine Department today (January 21) reminded masters, coxswains and persons-in-charge of vessels to strictly comply with international regulations for preventing collisions at sea when navigating within Hong Kong waters, especially in poor visibility.

     A department spokesman said that all vessels navigating in Hong Kong waters should do so at a safe speed not exceeding applicable speed restrictions.

     "Extreme caution should be exercised when navigating in fog, heavy rain or restricted visibility. Appropriate sound signals shall be made in accordance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972," he said.

     Vessel operators should bear in mind the importance of Rules 5 (Look-out), 6 (Safe speed), 7 (Risk of collision), 8 (Action to avoid collision) and 19 (Conduct of vessels in restricted visibility) of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 at all times when navigating with the aid of radar in restricted visibility.

     When fog or mist reduced visibility in any part of Hong Kong waters or its approaches to less than two nautical miles, the Vessel Traffic Centre (Call-sign ˇ°MARDEPˇ±) would broadcast visibility reports on the major traffic routes and other water areas on VHF Channels 12, 14 and 67. These would be broadcast on each hour until such time the visibility improved to more than two nautical miles.

     Any accidents should be reported immediately to the Vessel Traffic Centre, either on VHF (channel 12, 14 or 67) or by telephone 2233 7801 or 2233 7802.

Ends/Saturday, January 21, 2006
Issued at HKT 14:24