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Environmental Protection Department urges account holders to collect chits

    The levy of disposal charges for the disposal of construction waste at government facilities would start from tomorrow (January 20), a spokesman for the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) said today (January 19).

     Anyone disposing of construction waste at public fill reception facilities, sorting facilities and landfills is required to hand in valid chits issued under the Construction Waste Disposal Charging Scheme.

     The spokesman said the chits were now available for collection from the relevant offices of EPD or the Civil Engineering and Development Department and urged account holders to collect them as soon as possible.

     "The opening hours of these offices will be extended to 9 o'clock tonight," he said.

     For enquiries concerning the collection of chits, please call 2872 1861.

Ends/Thursday, January 19, 2006
Issued at HKT 14:52


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