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Lunar New Year food tested

  Ninety one out of a total of 92 samples of festive foods for the Lunar New Year recently tested under the Food Surveillance Programme were all found to be satisfactory, a spokesman for the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department said today (January 14).

  The food items collected for chemical and microbiological tests included puddings, sesame balls, sweetened dried fruits, melon seeds, preserved meat and dried seafood.

  The only failed sample was a preserved Chinese sausage found to contain a non-permitted colouring matter, Rhodamine B.

  ^While its presence poses little health risks, the retailer concerned has been advised to stop selling the products in question, ̄ the spokesman said.

  He urged people to be mindful of food safety when buying foods and preparing meals for the festive occasion.

  ^Melon seeds, for example, are one of the most popular Lunar New Year treats.  Consumers should be careful not to buy those that look too glossy as they may contain mineral oil, which might cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

  ^For sweetened lotus seeds and pistachio, people should only choose those with natural colour.  They should avoid buying those that look extraordinarily white, as they may have been bleached with chemicals, ̄ the spokesman said.

  Members of the public are advised to observe the following safety tips when buying and eating festive foods:

Careful selection
- Buy sweetened lotus seeds and pistachio with natural colour;
- Avoid buying melon seeds that look too glossy;
- Check the expiry date before buying prepackaged festive items like puddings, sesame balls and sweets. Make sure the packaging is intact;
- When buying unpackaged items like crispy triangles, sweetened dried fruits and melon seeds, take a look at the hygiene conditions of the shop. Check whether its staff observe good personal hygiene.

Proper storage
- After purchase, pre-cooked foods, such as puddings, should be stored in the refrigerator as soon as possible and be consumed before the "Use by" date shown on the packages;
- Fried festive foods such as sesame balls and crispy triangles should be kept in air-tight containers and stored in the refrigerator or in a cool, dry place.

Healthy consumption
- Use a dehulling tool for melon seeds to avoid any contact between the mouth and the hulls;
- Soak and clean thoroughly dried seafood and specialities, such as dried shrimps, before cooking.  Discard the water used for soaking;
- Keep cold dishes in the refrigerator and only take them out at the time of consumption. Foods to be eaten hot should be cooked just before mealtime; early preparation is not recommended;
- Stop eating and discard puddings if found mouldy or with an abnormal taste;
- Food leftovers should be refrigerated and reheated thoroughly before consumption;

  Apart from food safety, the spokesman also reminded people to maintain a balanced diet and take at least two servings of fruits and three servings of vegetables every day. People should avoid eating too much festive foods rich in fat and sugar.

Ends/Saturday, January 14, 2006
Issued at HKT 15:01


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