HA Announces Appointment of Chief Executive (with photo)

    The Chairman of the Hospital Authority, Mr Anthony Wu, today (January 13) announced the appointment of Mr Shane Solomon as the Chief Executive of the Authority for a term of three years.  Mr Solomon's appointment has been endorsed by the Hospital Authority Board and approved by the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

     In making the announcement today, Mr Wu said with the unfailing support of the board and staff members, the board was confident that Mr Solomon would be able to bring in new impetus and lead the authority to face future challenges, such as service re-positioning, resource allocation, staff morale and quality of service provision.

     "The most crucial factor in the selection process is that we have to choose the right person who will be able to lead the Hospital Authority in its management and reforms.

     "Mr Solomon was considered by the Selection Board as the outstanding candidate with vision and insight, as well as strong leadership and motivation.  On the health care front, Mr Solomon has a wealth of health care management experience and qualifications and is also well familiar with the operation of the public health care systems.

     "The board and I as chairman look forward to working closely with Mr Solomon," Mr Wu said.

Ends/Friday, January 13, 2006
Issued at HKT 17:41