LCQ9: DC members serving on advisory and statutory bodies

    Following is a question by the Hon Lau Wong-fat and a written reply by the Secretary for Home Affairs, Dr Patrick Ho, in the Legislative Council today (January 11):

     In his Policy Address delivered in October last year, the Chief Executive pointed out that advisory and statutory bodies ("ASBs") served as important partners of the Government in achieving effective governance.  In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(a)  of the number of ASBs comprising District Council ("DC") members, and the number of DC members serving on each of these ASBs;

(b)  whether it plans to include a certain number of DC members in the membership of each ASB, so as to increase public representation of ASBs with a view to reflecting public sentiment more effectively; if not, the reasons for that; and

(c)  whether it plans to allow DC members to indicate, in the annual updating of their personal data, their interests in joining particular ASBs for consideration by the authorities ?


Madam President,

(a)  As at November 30, 2005, District Council (DC) members served on 117 (excluding the 18 District Councils) out of the 403 public sector advisory and statutory bodies (ASBs).  They together took up 335 posts in the 117 ABSs.  Information on the number of DC members serving on each of the 117 ASBs in question is at the Annex.

(b)  In making appointments to ASBs, the Government aims to secure the services of the most suitable persons to meet the requirements of the board or committee concerned.  Each appointment is made on the basis of the merit of the individual concerned, taking into account the candidate's ability, expertise, experience, integrity and commitment to public service, and having due regard to the functions and nature of business of the board or committee concerned.  As a matter of general principle, the composition of ASBs should broadly reflect the interests and views of the community.  In this connection, it is our policy to appoint more members with experience and interest in community affairs (including DC members) to boards and committees dealing with livelihood matters.

(c)  Principal Officials are responsible for making appointments or recommending appointments to ASBs under their purview.  DC members who are interested in serving on a particular board or committee may submit their self-nominations to the responsible bureau/office for consideration.

Ends/Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Issued at HKT 12:30