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Man arrested for importing memory sticks with forged trademark

    Customs officers of Lo Wu Control Point this morning (January 9) seized from an incoming passenger 535 memory sticks with forged trademark.

     The seizure carried an estimated retail value of $1.03 million.

     The officers intercepted a 26-year-old man, who had arrived from Shenzhen, for inspection and found from his rucksack 535 memory sticks with forged trademark.

     Investigation showed that the seized memory sticks were intended for Thailand via Hong Kong.

     The man will later be charged with "importing goods to which a false trade description was applied". He will appear in Fanling Magistrates' Courts tomorrow (January 10).

     Under the Trade Descriptions Ordinance, importing goods to which a false trade description was applied is a serious offence. The maximum penalty is five years' imprisonment and a fine of $500,000.

Ends/Monday, January 9, 2006
Issued at HKT 18:50


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