Launch of CMU Bond Price Bulletin

    The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) announced today (January 9) the launch of the CMU Bond Price Bulletin website (the "Website"). The Website address is

     The Website, developed by the HKMA's Central Moneymarkets Unit (CMU), provides retail investors with convenient on-line access to indicative bond prices quoted by the major banks in Hong Kong. At inception, indicative bid/offer prices of about 200 bonds of different currencies issued by public and private sector entities will be available on the Website. Users can easily search for bond information and prices, and also make use of the hyperlinks on the Website to access the websites of the price providers for direct trading.

     "We are pleased to have the support of major banks as price providers. We believe that the launch of the Website will help enhance retail investors' awareness of bond products and improve the transparency of bond prices. With this effort, we hope to see a more active retail bond market in Hong Kong," said Mr YK Choi, Deputy Chief Executive of the HKMA.

     This one-stop bond price feeder is one of the recommendations of a review on financial infrastructure development conducted by the HKMA in 2005 under the guidance of the Financial Infrastructure Sub-Committee of the Exchange Fund Advisory Committee. The Website aims to improve access to the bond market by retail investors through provision of information on bond products available on the market and their indicative prices. Through enhancing product awareness and improving price transparency, the Website will help promote the retail bond market in Hong Kong.  

     Eight banks have agreed to provide indicative quotes on bond prices on the Website. They are the Bank of China (Hong Kong), Citigroup, Dah Sing Bank, DBS Bank (Hong Kong), Hang Seng Bank, Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) and Wing Lung Bank. Other banks interested to join as price providers may approach the HKMA for further details.

     For further enquiries, please contact:

Jasmin Fung, Manager (Press), at 2878 8246 or
Hing-Fung Wong, Resource Co-ordinator, at 2878 1802

Ends/Monday, January 9, 2006
Issued at HKT 16:33