Modified licensing and control for HK's textiles exports to EU

    The Import and Export (General) Regulations (Amendment of Fourth and Fifth Schedules) Order 2006 to implement the modified control arrangements for Hong Kong's textiles exports to the European Union (EU) was gazetted today (January 6).  

     The legislation will come into operation on March 15. All textiles exports (including re-exports) to the EU will require either a consignment-specific export licence or a textiles notification under the Textiles Trader Registration Scheme to cover each consignment for export to the EU. All cut-and-sewn garments destined for the EU market will also be subject to the Production Notification requirement.

     "In view of the imposition of quantitative restrictions on the Mainland's textiles and clothing shipments to the EU as a result of the Memorandum of Understanding between the EU and the Mainland signed on June 11, 2005, we consider the modified arrangements should help strengthen our control over textiles exports to the EU against possible illegal transshipment activities and preserve Hong Kong's legitimate trade interests," a spokesman said.

     The modified control arrangements are akin to the present arrangements for textiles exports to the US market and essential for maintaining the effectiveness and credibility of our textiles control system.

     "The modified arrangements have been announced through a trade circular and the Trade and Industry Department's web portal today. Parties who are interested in knowing more about the arrangements are welcome to visit the website at," the spokesman added.

Ends/Friday, January 6, 2006
Issued at HKT 16:31