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Housing Department closely monitors contractor's performance

The following is issued on behalf of the Housing Authority:

     The Housing Department would continue to closely monitor and review the performance of the contractor for three public housing construction sites, the Deputy Director for Housing (Development and Construction), Ms Ada Fung, said today (January 3).

     The construction sites are construction of Redevelopment of Shek Pai Wan Estate Phase 2; construction of Fanling Area 36 Phase 1 and construction of Fanling Area 36 Phase 2.  

     Speaking in response to press enquiries on a report in a Chinese newspaper today, Ms Fung said works progress in the three contracts undertaken by the same contractor was slow.

     "Having reviewed the situation, the Building Committee and Tender Committee of the Housing Authority have decided to give the contractor more time to see if the contractor can comply with the requirements of the contract in a sustainable manner," Ms Fung said.

     She stressed that this would not affect the total public housing production commitment and the average waiting time.

Ends/Tuesday, January 3, 2006
Issued at HKT 15:41


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