SCS sends seasonal greetings to all colleagues

Following is the letter issued by the Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Joseph W P Wong, to all colleagues today (December 24) on the "Serving the Community with Dedication and Commitment":

Dear Colleagues,

     The World Trade Organization Sixth Ministerial Conference (MC6) was successfully concluded in Hong Kong last week. The Chief Executive has paid tribute to the diligence and professionalism displayed by our police officers in maintaining law and order throughout the Conference, and in taking measured and robust action against the sometimes violent protesters.

     Our world class police force has demonstrated once again their outstanding performance in handling crisis situation. At the same time, thousands of civil service colleagues from other bureaux and departments also worked tirelessly round the clock in support of the Conference. They form an integral part of a coordinated management structure reporting to the most senior echelon of Government.

     Planning for this mammoth exercise started many months ago and involved many bureaux and departments. For example, there were 150 full-time staff, including those seconded from some 50 departments, who worked in the MC6 Co-ordination Office, providing a focal point for coordinating various departments' preparation for the event. Another 700 officers were also drafted to undertake liaison and logistical support duties, providing unfailing support for the Conference participants. In addition, over 100 officers from different departments were mobilized to support the 24-hour central emergency response system, while thousands of staff provided professional support in the overall operation and supporting emergency response systems in individual bureaux and departments. They helped ensure the smooth operation on the logistics and hospitality fronts, enabling colleagues from the Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau and the Trade and Industry Department to concentrate in supporting the Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology, as the Chair of the Ministerial Conference, in the trade negotiation process. Their contribution was instrumental to the success of the Conference. I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all of them.

     The success of the Conference has reinforced Hong Kong's image in the international community as Asia's World City. It has also enhanced the reputation of the Hong Kong Civil Service as one of the most efficient civil services in the world. The outstanding performance of individual officers will be suitably recognised under our Awards and Commendation Schemes. I am sure our civil service will continue with the fine tradition of serving the community with dedication and commitment.

     I take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

     Mr Wong's letter has been uploaded onto the Civil Service Bureau website at

Ends/Saturday, December 24, 2005
Issued at HKT 12:20