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LCQ8: Mini-soccer pitches

    Following is a question by the Hon Timothy Fok and a written reply by the Secretary for Home Affairs, Dr Patrick Ho, in the Legislative Council today (December 21):


     Regarding the mini-soccer pitches under the Leisure and Cultural Services Department ("LCSD"), will the Government inform this Council of:

(a)  the respective numbers and locations of those mini-soccer pitches in respect of which artificial turfing works were completed in the past three years, are being carried out or will be carried out, as well as the completion date of the entire project; and

(b)  the average usage rate of mini-soccer pitches where such works have been completed?


Madam President,

(a)  There are currently a total of ten artificial turf 7-a-side mini-soccer pitches under the management of Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD).  In the past three years, artificial turfing works were completed at three pitches, namely, those located in Kowloon Bay Park, Man Tung Road Park in Tung Chung and Cherry Street Park.  The three pitches were respectively opened for public use in April, June and December of this year.  At present, the LCSD does not have other planned projects for constructing artificial turf mini-soccer pitches.

(b)  Among the three completed artificial turf mini-soccer pitches, the two located at Kowloon Bay Park and Man Tung Road Park in Tung Chung have maintained an average usage rate of 63% since their opening for public use.  As for the mini-soccer pitch at Cherry Street Park, it has just been opened in December of this year, and no information on the usage rate is available at this stage.

Ends/Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Issued at HKT 15:06


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