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LCQ16: Private hospital services

    Following is a question by the Dr Hon Kwok Ka-ki and a written reply by the Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food, Dr York Chow, in the Legislative Council today (December 21):


     Regarding the planning of private hospital services by the Government, will the Government inform this Council:

(a)  of the overall utilization ratio of private hospitals in Hong Kong in each of the past 10 years, and the reasons for changes in such ratios;

(b)  of the authorities' estimated number of additional beds to be provided under the expansion project of various private hospitals in the coming five years; if the authorities cannot provide such information, the reasons for that;

(c)  whether it has assessed if the existing provision of beds in private hospitals can meet the demand for private medical services after their re-positioning, and whether the authorities have policies on encouraging non-governmental or private organizations to establish new private hospitals; and

(d)  whether any non-governmental or private organizations have discussed with the authorities the construction of new private hospitals in Hong Kong since the commissioning of the newest private hospital in 1995, and whether the relevant hospital sites include the private hospital site in Wong Chuk Hang?


Madam President,

(a)  The occupancy rates of the 12 private hospitals in the past 10 years are shown in Annex.

     The occupancy rates have stabilized at around 50-60% in the past 10 years. According to the private hospitals, the occupancy rates are mainly affected by the economic situation, among others. The sharp increase in 2004 is partly attributed to an increase in the number of Mainland mothers giving birth in Hong Kong.  

(b)  In the next five years, five hospitals will have their beds expanded by a total of about 700. Another hospital will complete its expansion by 2012 adding another 150 beds. The remaining six hospitals have no plans to alter their bed number.

(c)  As at end 2004, there were 2,794 beds in all the private hospitals and the overall occupancy rate was 56%. With the further increase of some 700 beds in the next five years, no deficiency in supply is expected. The setting up of private hospitals is a matter for the market.

(d)  Since 1995, the Administration has handled an application for the setting up of a private hospital in Wong Chuk Hang. Apart from this, no other request has been received.

Ends/Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Issued at HKT 13:02


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