Transcript of CE on the appointment of new members to ExCo

    Following is the transcript (English portion) of the press conference by the Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, on the appointment of new members to the Executive Council at the Conference Hall at CGO New Annexe this afternoon (October 14):

Reporter:  An observation is this looks to be a very establishment group ... sorry guys, but you do. It looks to be a very establishment group of people. Is there no qualified woman in Hong Kong who could actually take a position on the Executive Council?

Chief Executive: Very well put, I do grant you that. I have tried, but it is not easy to persuade a woman to sit on the Executive Council. But don't you forget we already have two very celebrated and very able ladies already sitting on the Executive Council and they will continue to contribute their views to formulation of policy. We will rely heavily on them.

Reporter: Mr Tsang, of the eight gentlemen you have here, five are either current or former members of the legislature and all of them served in the legislature prior to the Handover. I think I'm right in saying. Why so many legislators, or former legislators in it? Is this another example of going back to the future?

Chief Executive: No, it's a question of experience. I think experience in the Legislative Council is definitely an asset in the deliberation of work in the Executive Council. Surely that can take into account more consciously the views of the legislature in the making of policy that would, in my view, smooth the passage of any proposal we put to the Legislative Council in due course.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

Ends/Friday, October 14, 2005
Issued at HKT 18:22