Education Commission welcomes Policy Address placing
emphasis on education

The following is issued on behalf of the Education Commission:

  The Chairman of the Education Commission (EC), Dr Rosanna Wong Yick-ming, today (October 12) welcomed the Chief Executive¡¯s Policy Address which has emphasised the importance of education, re-affirmed the progress of the education reforms, reiterated the tradition of respect for teachers, and undertaken to provide resources to reinforce language education.

  The Chief Executive has expressed in his Policy Address that special emphasis has been placed on education.  The Government will not cut back on total spending on education, and will insist on allocating substantial public financial resources to develop human capital and optimise the human resources in Hong Kong.  The Chief Executive has also indicated that the education reforms have started to deliver results, and that the Government will stay the course and press ahead with the reforms. Besides, the Chief Executive has expressed his regards and respect to the teaching profession.  In the Policy Agenda, the Government has also indicated that resources would be increased, including topping up of the Language Fund, for enhancing the language standards of the community.

  ¡°I am glad that the Government has all along put much emphasis on education, and has been listening to the views of the EC in order to perfect the work on education.¡±

  ¡°The education reforms in Hong Kong are taking root and bearing fruits.  The EC will continue to provide advice to the Government, with a view to optimising the human resources in Hong Kong,¡± Dr Wong said.

Ends/Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Issued at HKT 20:21