TV Announcement

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Strive and Rise Programme

Mentees: Joining the Strive and Rise Programme
broadens my horizons
Super: Broadens Horizons
Mentees: Mentors’ guidance and diversified group activities
Super: Mentorship Matching
Mentees: boost my self-confidence and positive thinking
Super: Self-confidence
Mentees: I have learned self-appreciation
set future goals
Super: Self-esteem
Goal Setting Ability
Mentees: acquired financial-planning skills
and made more friends
Super: Financial Planning Ability
Interpersonal Skills & Social Network Building
Mentees: I have also improved my resilience
sense of responsibility and empathy
with a greater sense of belonging to the community
Super: Resilience
Sense of Responsibility& Empathy
Sense of Belonging to the Community
Mentees: The programme inspired me to consider the future
and think out of the box for better lifelong planning
Super: The Strive and Rise Programme logo
The HKSAR emblem
Logo of Government anti-poverty programme

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