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Article 45 of the Basic Law (Animation)(II)

Super: A Clear Basis for Achieving Universal Suffrage
Secretary for Justice Mr Rimsky Yuen: The selection of the Chief Executive by universal suffrage in 2017 will be a milestone in Hong Kong’s constitutional development
MVO: According to Article 45 of the Basic Law
Super: Chief Executive
MVO: a broadly representative Nominating Committee
will nominate candidates
Super: Nominating Committee
Nominate Candidates
MVO: Then, all voters
will elect the Chief Executive
through “one-person, one-vote”
Finally, there is appointment by the Central People’s
Super: Chief Executive
One person
One vote
Chief Executive Election in 2017
Secretary for Justice Mr Rimsky Yuen: Following these steps
we can all elect our Chief Executive in 2017!
Super: Nomination
One person
One vote
Let’s talk and achieve universal suffrage
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government
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