LCQ17: Kai Tak Sports Park

     Following is a question by the Hon Benson Luk and a written reply by the Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Kevin Yeung, in the Legislative Council today (October 23):
     The Kai Tak Sports Park (KTSP) will be officially open early next year, and the government departments concerned have currently commenced the preparatory work for the commissioning of the KTSP. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:
(1) whether the authorities have finalised the leasing arrangements and charge levels for the KTSP's Main Stadium, Indoor Sports Centre, Public Sports Ground and the rest of precinct for reference by members of the industry and the public; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(2) given that Kai Tak Sports Park Limited (KTSPL) has undertaken to implement a Sports Events Support Scheme, which aims to waive venue hiring charges for sports events held in the KTSP or make direct financial contribution to sports events, whether the authorities have grasped the implementation of the Scheme at this stage; if so, of the details, including the number of local and overseas events involved; if not, the reasons for that;
(3) as it has been learnt that at present catering and a variety of entertainment facilities are provided in the vicinity of venues where mega events are held (such as the Hong Kong Stadium), enabling spectators to get warmed up for the mega events and the vibrant atmosphere to continue before and after the matches, whether the authorities have formulated any short-term and long-term plans to increase the provision of similar facilities in the vicinity of the KTSP; if so, of the details (including the specific development plans); if not, the reasons for that;
(4) whether the authorities will draw up guidelines to require KTSPL to make public announcements about an event certain days before the date of the event, so as to facilitate the stakeholders concerned to take forward as early as possible the related publicity work to attract inbound tour groups and visitors coming to Hong Kong under the Individual Visit Scheme; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(5) whether the authorities have any idea of formulating an integrated development plan for the KTSP and the adjacent Kai Tak Cruise Terminal, so as to shape them into a core tourist landmark of Kai Tak and Kowloon City, thereby enhancing their synergy as a tourist attraction; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that?

     Being the largest sports infrastructure project in Hong Kong's history, the Kai Tak Sports Park (KTSP) is crucial to the Government’s implementation of sports policies of promoting sports in the community, supporting elite sports, developing Hong Kong into a centre for major international sports events, enhancing professionalism and developing sports as an industry. The KTSP will provide modern and multi-purpose sports and recreation facilities upon completion, including a 50 000-seat Main Stadium, a 10 000-seat Indoor Sports Centre, a 5 000-seat Public Sports Ground and about 14-hectare landscaped open space and other ancillary facilities. 
     Currently, the construction works of the KTSP has entered into the final phase and the KTSP will be open in the first quarter of 2025. The Government has established the inter-departmental Task Force on KTSP, led by the Chief Secretary for Administration, to oversee the smooth completion and commissioning of the KTSP and its publicity work, fostering the synergistic development of major sports events, innovative entertainment, dining, conventions and exhibitions, as well as tourism activities. The Task Force will also formulate thorough plans and conduct comprehensive drills on security deployment, crowd management, emergency response, and other areas. The Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau (CSTB), Kai Tak Sports Park Limited (KTSPL) together with relevant bureaux/departments are planning various drills and test events to be conducted from October this year to February next year, with a view to fine-tuning and enhancing the operation model as well as various arrangements such as crowd dispersal and transportation when staging large-scale events. We will also adjust strategies as necessary to fully prepare for the commissioning of the KTSP. 

     My consolidated reply to the questions raised by the Hon Benson Luk is as follows:
(1) According to the contract between the Government and the operator, the hiring charges in respect of sports events and community casual hire of the KTSP (including the Main Stadium, Indoor Sports Centre and Public Sports Ground) shall be comparable to those of similar facilities provided by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, educational institutions and other non-profit making organisations. The operator has to obtain approval from the CSTB for the hiring charges, so as to ensure that the sports sector and citizens can enjoy the facilities of the KTSP to promote sports development.
     KTSPL has already provided organisers, who express interest in hiring facilities in the KTSP for staging large-scale events, with the relevant information with respect of their hiring proposals. As for the hiring charges for the general public in using individual facilities in Indoor Sports Centre and Public Sports Ground, the KTSPL will make the announcement later.

(2) KTSPL undertakes to implement a Sports Events Support Scheme (the Scheme) to support sports events. Its financial commitment under the SESS is $1.583 billion in total, which is to be disbursed over a period of around 20 years. Commitment under the Scheme will be met either by waiving venue hiring charges for sports events held in the KTSP or by making direct financial contribution to any sports events. The above arrangements will encourage the operator to proactively promote the KTSP as "the destination" for local and international large-scale sports events. It is expected that the Scheme will be implemented next year. KTSPL is refining the details of the Scheme and will announce the application arrangement later.
     The implementation of the Scheme will be monitored by the CSTB. If KTSPL does not fully utilise the estimated expenditure under the Scheme in a particular year, an amount equivalent to the outstanding commitment shall be paid to an entity (e.g. "national sports associations") nominated by the CSTB for supporting sports.

(3) The KTSP will provide a one-stop sports, leisure, catering and shopping experience for citizens and tourists. With respect of the catering services, the 57 executive suites in the Main Stadium are supported by catering service providers offering various kinds of upscale dining options. There are also some 30 bars and catering outlets in the Main Stadium which should be able to meet the catering needs as compared to other facilities of similar scale in the world. In addition, the KTSP will, with reference to the scale and needs of different events and matches as well as at the requests of organisers, arrange 10 to 20 mobile catering booths during the staging of large-scale events. The number of catering booths will be flexibly increased based on actual situation. Besides, there are over 700 thousand feet of retail, catering as well as leisure and entertainment facilities in the KTSP. Catering facilities include some 70 outlets of international cuisines and nine diversified concept restaurants at the Dining Cove where citizens and tourists can choose to dine in the indoor or outdoor areas and enjoy the breath-taking views of the Victoria Harbour. As regards leisure and entertainment facilities, the KTSP will provide facilities including a health and wellness centre, a bowling centre, an outdoor rock climbing area, beach volleyball courts, tennis courts, a covered 5-a-side football pitch and multi-purpose activity space for the public to enjoy.
     The neighbouring districts of Kowloon City and To Kwa Wan which are in close proximity of the KTSP also provide an array of dining options. Citizens and tourists who visit the KTSP for matches or large-scale events can walk to the two districts for a taste of our local culinary delights, similar to walking from the Hong Kong Stadium to Causeway Bay or Tin Hau. The Government will continue to work closely with KTSPL to further enhance visitors' experience as well as liaise with relevant departments and the Hong Kong Tourism Board to promote the leisure and catering options in the vicinity of the KTSP so as to create a synergy effect for bringing about local economic development.

(4) KTSPL has been actively making contact and having commercial negotiations with local and international sports and non-sports events' promotion bodies, organisations and agencies. Generally speaking, the promotion strategy of events is led by organisers whereas KTSPL, being the venue provider, has to act in concert with the plans of the event organisers. KTSPL cannot disclose details of the events before the organisers do so. Nevertheless, KTSPL will maintain close communication with event organisers and coordinate with their overall publicity plan and share more details of their events with the public in due course.

(5) The KTSP and the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal (KTCT) are both located within the Kai Tak Development Area. The KTSP, upon completion, will provide retail and catering facilities as well as host different types of large-scale sports, culture or entertainment events, thereby providing cruise passengers with more options for onshore activities. The hotels in the vicinity of the KTSP will also offer an additional choice of accommodation for travellers.

     On the other hand, the KTSP will drive the flow of people in the district and attract tourists to spend in Hong Kong during various large-scale sports, culture or entertainment events, promoting the economic transformation and development of Kowloon East. The Government will continue to enhance the KTCT's function as a venue for conventions, exhibitions and other events. In preparing the work plans for the KTSP and KTCT, the CSTB will consider how the two major infrastructures could complement each other, with a view to creating synergies by fully leveraging the respective facilities.

Ends/Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Issued at HKT 14:30