19th Meeting of Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation held in Guangzhou (with photos)

     The Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation convened its 19th meeting in Guangzhou today (October 9) to deepen sustained co-operation in informatisation between the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and Guangdong Province.

     The Commissioner for Digital Policy, Mr Tony Wong, and the Deputy Director-General of the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Guangdong Province (GDDIIT), Mr Qu Xiaojie, reviewed the work progress and achievements of the Expert Group over the past year. They discussed and exchanged views on the work plan in the coming year, and agreed to continue strengthening co-operation in five areas of informatisation:

1. accelerating development of a Guangdong-Hong Kong smart city cluster;
2. deepening collaboration on cross-boundary e-commerce between Hong Kong and Guangdong;
3. enhancing informatisation for cross-boundary customs clearance;
4. continuing to deepen the innovation and technology (I&T) co-operation; and
5. expediting co-operation in telecommunications business and infrastructure between Hong Kong and Guangdong.

     Mr Wong said in the meeting that "Guangdong's Research Report on Development of New Quality Productive Forces 2023" revealed that Guangdong has established significant competitive advantages in three major sectors including artificial intelligence (AI), high-end manufacturing, and biomedicine. This resonated well with the emphasis of the Hong Kong I&T Development Blueprint that Hong Kong should focus on the development of I&T industries of strategic importance such as life and health technology, AI and data science, as well as advanced manufacturing and new energy technology industries. He hoped that the Digital Policy Office (DPO) and the GDDIIT could jointly explore avenues for promoting collaboration in the development of AI and digital industries between the two places.

     Officials from relevant departments, including the DPO, the Office of the Communications Authority, the Innovation and Technology Commission, the Marine Department, and Hong Kong Customs attended the meeting on behalf of the HKSAR Government. Mainland representatives who attended the meeting included officials from the GDDIIT, the Guangdong Provincial Administration of Government Service and Data, the Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province, the Radio and Television Administration of Guangdong Province, the Guangdong Communications Administration, the Guangdong Sub-Administration of the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China, the Department of Transport of Guangdong Province, the Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province, the Guangdong Provincial Development and Reform Commission, and the Hong Kong and Macao Work Office of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee. Members of the HKSAR delegation also comprised representatives from research institutions and industry organisations, including the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute, the Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre, the Cyberport, and GS1 Hong Kong.

     With the arrangement of the GDDIIT, the Hong Kong delegation visited the Guangzhou Digital Technology Group after the meeting to learn more about the enterprise's developments on AI, smart city solutions and its exploration of data elements.

Ends/Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Issued at HKT 16:25