HKSAR Government recruitment activities in Beijing and Shanghai wrap up (with photos)
Five recruitment talks on the Administrative Officer (AO) and Executive Officer (EO) grades were held at the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Shanghai (SHETO), East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Renmin University of China, and China University of Political Science and Law respectively. Most of the attendees were university students with immense interest in the AO and EO grades, and they were keen to ask questions on the relevant grades.
The CSB had specifically arranged for serving AO and EO colleagues who had studied or lived on the Mainland to share their work and personal experiences, and encourage university students to join the civil service. The Principal Assistant Secretary for the Civil Service (Administrative Service), Ms Yen Pun, and the Senior Principal Executive Officer (General Grades), Miss Iris Ma, also introduced the entry requirements, training programmes, examination and interview arrangements, as well as tips on preparing for examinations of the AO and EO grades at the seminars.
In addition, representatives of the CSB participated in the "Gathering with Hong Kong Students and Youth in East China Region to Celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China" organised by the SHETO to introduce the AO and EO grades to the young participants. The aim was to enable them to know more about the work and career prospects of the grades concerned, and encourage them to apply for civil service posts in the HKSAR Government.
The CSB is currently conducting a joint recruitment exercise for the civil service grades of AO, EO II, Assistant Trade Officer II and Transport Officer II. The application deadline is October 4. Eligible applicants are encouraged to seize the opportunity to apply. For details, please visit the CSB's website at
Ends/Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Issued at HKT 18:38
Issued at HKT 18:38