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S for Housing and LegCo Members continue visit to Shenzhen (with photos)
     The Secretary for Housing, Ms Winnie Ho, together with a delegation of the Housing Department (HD) and the Legislative Council (LegCo) Panel on Housing, continued their visit to Shenzhen today (July 22).
     Accompanied by the Director-General of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Guangdong Province, Mr Zhang Yong, and the Director of the Housing Indemnification Division of the Housing and Construction Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality (HCBSM), Ms Qiu Yingying, the delegation visited two public rental housing projects in Shenzhen this morning. The design and planning of Guangqiao Yayuan fully utilised the land, with common facilities fostering intergenerational and community harmony provided in the estate. Phoenix Yinghui Town is currently the largest public housing project on the Mainland adopting the Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) approach. The project also adopted a series of smart property management technologies, such as intelligent surveillance system and smart lamp posts, to enhance daily management efficiency.
     The delegation then visited the Shenzhen Indemnificatory Housing Exhibition Hall to learn about the development, planning and design of indemnificatory housing in Shenzhen. They subsequently met with the Party Secretary and Director-General of the HCBSM, Mr Zhu Enping, and representatives of the Shenzhen Public Housing Group (SZPHG) to have a comprehensive exchange on public housing policies, its design and construction as well as operation and management. The SZPHG is managed directly by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government, and handles all aspects of indemnificatory housing in Shenzhen, from planning and construction to rental, operation, management and housing finance.
     Ms Ho said that public housing by the Hong Kong Housing Authority is people-oriented. To continuously enhance the management efficiency and service quality of its nearly 200 public housing estates, the HD has been actively promoting smart estate management and bringing in new technologies to help optimise estate management services. She looked forward to have closer exchanges with the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area cities on the construction and management of public housing, with a view to sharing and learning from each other's experiences.
     The delegation visited the Double-line Park (Coastal Bridge) in Baoan Central District in the afternoon to see its user-friendly design that connects the communities and blends nature, art and culture. The delegation will return to Hong Kong this evening after the visit.
Ends/Monday, July 22, 2024
Issued at HKT 16:40
Today's Press Releases