Secondary One places allocation results to be released tomorrow

      The Education Bureau (EDB) today (July 8) reminded parents that the results for Secondary School Places Allocation (SSPA) 2024 (including results at the discretionary places (DP) and central allocation (CA) stages) will be announced tomorrow (July 9).
SSPA results
      A total of 51 393 students participated in the SSPA System for this allocation cycle. Based on the total number of students allocated DP and the first three choices through CA, the overall satisfaction rate is 91 per cent. According to the number of students allocated DP and the first choice through CA, the satisfaction rate is 79 per cent.
      The respective satisfaction rates for DP and CA are:
* Among the students allocated DP, 67 per cent were allocated the first choice; and
* For students allocated through CA (including Part A for Unrestricted School Choices and Part B for Restricted School Choices), 81 per cent of students were allocated the first three choices and 62 per cent were allocated the first choice.
      The EDB hopes parents and students will accept the allocation results with a positive attitude. The learning effectiveness of students does not hinge merely on the schools to which they are allocated, but rather on whether students have a proactive mindset in learning. It is important for parents to continue to support and encourage their children, and to avoid burdening children with their own expectations.
Announcement of allocation results and completion of admission registration procedure
      All Primary Six students participating in this year's SSPA System should return to their school tomorrow to collect the Allocation Slip and Admission Slip. Parents who have registered as SSPA e-Platform (eSSPA) users with "iAM Smart" or "iAM Smart+" ( may also view their children's allocation results via the eSSPA starting from 10am on the same day. If parents have provided a mobile phone number on the Secondary One Choice of Schools Form to indicate their consent to receiving the result via the number, they will receive the result of their children via SMS message starting from around 10am tomorrow. Please refer to the series of related videos and the Parent's Guide on the bureau's homepage ( for details on creating and logging into an eSSPA account, as well as viewing the allocation results via the eSSPA.
      All students must report to their allocated secondary schools this Thursday or Friday (July 11 or 12) for registration. In case neither the students nor their parents or guardians are able to return to the school and collect the Allocation Slip and Admission Slip in person, the parents or guardians should authorise a representative in writing in advance to collect the documents and complete the registration procedure on their behalf.
      Should any parent or guardian have genuine difficulties in collecting the Admission Slip and registering with the allocated school personally or through an authorised representative, he or she should inform the schools concerned or the School Places Allocation Section (SSPA) of the EDB before the end of the registration period so that alternative arrangements for registration can be made. Failure to do so will be taken as giving up the place allocated.
      In case of inclement weather or other special circumstances on the day for announcement of the allocation results or on the days for registration, all schools and parents should pay attention to announcements on radio or television for special arrangements for announcement of the allocation results or registration.
      For enquiries about the allocation results, students and parents may call the School Places Allocation Section (SSPA) of the EDB on 2832 7740 or 2832 7700 during office hours.

Ends/Monday, July 8, 2024
Issued at HKT 14:30