Awards for Water Safety Campaign slogan and graphic design competitions presented (with photos)

     To enhance public awareness of water safety, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) and the Hong Kong China Life Saving Society (HKCLSS) jointly organised the Water Safety Campaign 2024. The prize presentation ceremony for its slogan and graphic design competitions for primary and secondary school students was held at the Kowloon Park Arcade today (July 6). Game stalls were also set up at the entrance lobby of Kowloon Park Swimming Pool's spectator stand to promote water safety.
     There are two themes for this year’s competitions, namely "Be considerate and refrain from engaging in water sports activities under inclement weather" for the secondary school section, and "For safety’s sake, children and elderly persons should be accompanied during water sports activities" for the primary school section.
     The response to both competitions was enthusiastic. The standard of entries was high, fully demonstrating the creativity and artistic talents of the students. The organisers have used the champion slogans (in Chinese) and graphic designs from both sections to produce two posters for the campaign.
     Addressing the ceremony, Assistant Director (Leisure Services) of the LCSD Mr Henry Wong said that swimming is one of the most popular leisure activities in Hong Kong. Last year, the attendance of public beaches and swimming pools under the LCSD was nearly 20 million. Mr Wong appealed to members of the public to take heed of water safety advice while swimming, and not conduct any water sports activities during inclement weather. Offenders are liable to prosecution.
     Mr Wong also thanked the HKCLSS for its continued efforts over the years in promoting and organising lifesaving training courses, examinations and competitions, as well as nurturing life guards. Lifesaving services can therefore be maintained at aquatic venues across the city to keep swimmers safe.
     The winning entries of the two competitions are now on display at the entrance lobby of Kowloon Park Swimming Pool's spectator stand until July 18. They can also be viewed on the LCSD webpages at (graphic design competition) and (Chinese slogan competition).

Ends/Saturday, July 6, 2024
Issued at HKT 14:52