100 kindergartens from Guangdong and Hong Kong participate in sister kindergarten exchange programme and annual exchange activity (with photos)

     The Education Bureau (EDB) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and the Department of Education of Guangdong Province today (June 14) held the Guangdong-Hong Kong Sister Kindergarten Exchange Programme Signing Ceremony and Annual Exchange Activity. A total of 100 kindergartens from Guangdong Province and Hong Kong participated.
     The Secretary for Education, Dr Choi Yuk-lin; Deputy Director-General of the Department of Education of Guangdong Province Mr Feng Wei; the First-level Inspector of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR, Mr Liu Maozhou; and Vice President of the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) Ms Sarah Wong officiated at the Signing Ceremony and Annual Exchange Activity. Together with the Permanent Secretary for Education, Ms Michelle Li, Dr Choi and Mr Feng also witnessed the signing of the Agreement on the Guangdong-Hong Kong Sister Kindergarten Learning Circle by representatives of the kindergartens from Guangdong Province and Hong Kong.
     Speaking at the ceremony, Dr Choi said President Xi Jinping had said that Chinese civilisation is extensive and profound, and has a long history stretching back to antiquity. It is the unique cultural identity of the Chinese nation and the foundation of the contemporary Chinese culture. Kindergarten education is an important stage of children's growth and a key period for cultivating their cultural literacy and sense of national identity. It helps children understand and appreciate Chinese culture from an early age, build a sense of belonging to and a pride of their country, and enhance their sense of national identity.
     Following the signing ceremony, a professional seminar was held by the EDB of the Government of the HKSAR and the Department of Education of Guangdong Province in collaboration with the EdUHK to explore how to promote Chinese culture to kindergarten students in diversified modes such as music, languages and curriculum. Scholars from the EdUHK and kindergarten principals from Guangdong Province shared their research findings and exchanged practical experiences with the sector. Over 2 400 kindergarten principals, teachers, academics and experts from Hong Kong and different cities in Guangdong Province participated in person and online in parallel.
     In addition, delegates of the Department of Education of Guangdong Province and representatives from kindergartens of Guangdong Province visited five local kindergartens in groups this morning to conduct in-depth exchanges on learning and teaching with Hong Kong kindergarten principals and teachers.
     The EDB of the Government of the HKSAR and the Department of Education of Guangdong Province have been running the Guangdong-Hong Kong Sister Kindergarten Exchange Programme since this school year to strengthen connection between the Mainland and Hong Kong in early childhood education, with a focus on fostering professional exchanges and collaboration between teachers from the two places, and enhancing the quality of kindergarten education. Participating kindergartens will form a Guangdong-Hong Kong sister kindergarten learning circle and launch various professional exchange activities through different channels and in diversified modes to further raise the professionalism of teachers in both places.

Ends/Friday, June 14, 2024
Issued at HKT 17:57