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STL concludes visit to Guangzhou and Zhanjiang (with photos)
     The Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Mr Lam Sai-hung, visited Zhanjiang today (June 5) to learn about the latest logistics developments in the western part of Guangdong.

     Mr Lam attended a meeting of the task force for collaboration on Guangdong-Hong Kong transportation in Guangzhou yesterday (June 4) afternoon. He proceeded to Zhanjiang by high-speed train to explore collaboration opportunities between Hong Kong and Zhanjiang, with a view to enhancing Hong Kong's logistics and maritime development. 

     In the morning, Mr Lam visited the Zhanjiang Port and the Zhanjiang Comprehensive Bonded Area and received a briefing on the operational model of the sea-rail intermodal transport at the Zhanjiang Port, as well as how the Comprehensive Bonded Area leverages its big data to enhance information systems, thereby accelerating cargo flow and facilitating customs clearance. He then paid a visit to a leading cold-chain logistics company in Guangdong Province to see their advanced facilities.

     Mr Lam also met with the Mayor of the Zhanjiang Municipal Government, Mr Zeng Jinze, and officials of the Zhanjiang Municipal Government to exchange views on issues of mutual concern. Mr Lam said, "Since the commissioning of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the driving distance between Hong Kong and the western part of Guangdong is shortened extensively, which presents unprecedented opportunities for deeper collaboration between the two places. Underpinned by an open and free market, a well-established legal system, premier financial and professional services as well as comprehensive intermodal transport networks connecting the Mainland and other nations, Hong Kong is the prime gateway for trade and logistics between southern China and the world."

     Mr Lam further added that Hong Kong has a distinct role as an international shipping centre, an international aviation and logistics hub as well as an international trade centre. The western part of Guangdong, on the other hand, has a huge base of industries with a booming bulk commodity trade in Zhanjiang, and is well-connected to the southwest provinces. Adding up the strengths of Hong Kong and Zhanjiang, he believes that the two places will definitely create strong synergies and open up a new logistics and trade corridor.

     Mr Lam concluded his two-day visit to Guangdong today and will return to Hong Kong in the evening.
Ends/Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Issued at HKT 16:43
Today's Press Releases  


The Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Mr Lam Sai-hung (third left), visited the Zhanjiang Port this morning (June 5) and received a briefing on the port’s operation. Deputy Secretary for Transport and Logistics and the Commissioner for Maritime and Port Development, Miss Amy Chan (third right), also joined the visit.
The Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Mr Lam Sai-hung (right), is briefed on the development of Zhanjiang's industries during his visit to the city today (June 5).
The Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Mr Lam Sai-hung (first right), visits the the Zhanjiang Comprehensive Bonded Area today (June 5) in the company of Vice Mayor of the Zhanjiang Municipal Government Mr Kong Haiwen (second right).
The Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Mr Lam Sai-hung (third right), visited a leading cold-chain logistics company in Guangdong Province today (June 5) to see their advanced facilities. Deputy Secretary for Transport and Logistics and the Commissioner for Maritime and Port Development, Miss Amy Chan (second right), joined the visit.
The Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Mr Lam Sai-hung (right), visits a leading cold-chain logistics company in Guangdong Province today (June 5) to learn about the operational procedures of handling frozen food.
The Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Mr Lam Sai-hung (left), meets with the Mayor of the Zhanjiang Municipal Government, Mr Zeng Jinze (right), today (June 5) to discuss collaboration opportunities between the two places.
The Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Mr Lam Sai-hung (right), attended a meeting of the task force for collaboration on Guangdong-Hong Kong transportation in Guangzhou yesterday (June 4). Mr Lam is pictured with Permanent Deputy Director-General of the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department Mr Yang Rihua (left) before the meeting.