EDB introduces Curriculum Framework on Parent Education (Secondary School)

     The Education Bureau (EDB) today (May 28) launched the Curriculum Framework on Parent Education (Secondary School). All secondary schools (including special schools) and organisations or groups organising parent education programmes/activities are encouraged to make reference to the content of the Curriculum Framework when designing relevant programmes or activities, so that parents can learn the necessary knowledge and skills for nurturing their children in a more systematic manner.
     In accordance with the recommendations of the Task Force on Home-school Co-operation and Parent Education, the EDB has commissioned the School of Continuing Education of Hong Kong Baptist University to develop the curriculum frameworks on parent education in phases for parents of kindergartens, primary and secondary school students. The Curriculum Framework on Parent Education (Secondary School) comprises four core strands, namely "Understanding of Adolescent Development", "Promotion of Healthy, Happy and Balanced Development of Adolescents", "Promotion of Parents' Physical and Psychological Well-being" and "Fostering Home-school Co-operation and Communication" (see Annex), with a focus on supporting the development needs of adolescents.
     An EDB spokesman said, "We encourage all secondary schools to make reference to the Curriculum Framework, and select, arrange and design parent education activities according to school-based context. For other organisations or groups, such as Parent-Teacher Associations, Federations of Parent-Teacher Associations, post-secondary institutions and non-governmental organisations, they can refer to the Curriculum Framework to design and provide parent education programmes or activities that meet the needs of parents of students at the secondary level. Parents can also study the Curriculum Framework to understand children's development and learning needs in a systematic manner." 
     The EDB will conduct briefing sessions on the afternoon of June 6, 7 and 13 to introduce the Curriculum Framework to stakeholders. Details about the Curriculum Framework are available on the EDB's Smart Parent Net website (www.parent.edu.hk/en/smart-parent-net/topics/article/framework_sec).

Ends/Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Issued at HKT 15:00