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OFCA organises second 5G Campus Application Competition (with photos)
     In view of the overwhelming responses received from the inaugural 5G Campus Application Competition under the theme of "5G Campus for Smart Life" last year, the Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) organises the Competition again this year under the theme of "5G x AI - Smart Living and Learning Anytime Anywhere" to enhance students' understanding of the enormous potentials of the fifth generation mobile (5G) technology and its extensive innovative applications, as well as to inspire them to apply both 5G and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in creating smart living experiences.
     Speaking at the Kick-off Ceremony cum Seminar of the Competition today (May 18), the Director-General of Communications, Mr Chaucer Leung, said, "The first 5G Campus Application Competition organised by OFCA last year was well received with active participation from dozens of schools. We are therefore motivated to organise the second Competition this year focusing on 5G technology and AI, with a view to keeping abreast with the latest technological development.
     "Innovative applications riding on 5G and AI technologies can provide faster response, richer content and higher quality user experience, which will bring profound impacts to the development of society. Taking the education sector as an example, AI can help students learn more effectively by developing personalised study plans based on their learning data and behaviour analysis. In addition, AI can transform a community into a smart and sustainable ecosystem with 5G connectivity, fostering a more environmental friendly living environment in the neighbourhood," Mr Leung added.
     Through the Competition, OFCA hopes to encourage participating students to further unleash their creativity by applying technologies in their learning environment, local community and daily life, so as to transform the community into a platform for learning, experimenting, and showcasing new ideas. The Competition is now open for registration and OFCA encourages all local secondary school students to actively participate to exhibit their talents.
     This year's 5G Campus Application Competition, co-organised by the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC), will be held in stages, comprising the 5G and AI Knowledge Inspiration Training Workshop, the first round assessment, the Mobile App Development Training Workshop, the final round assessment and an award presentation ceremony. Participating teams are required to design an innovative mobile application and/or relevant prototype incorporating 5G with AI technologies, in order to achieve the objectives of enriching campus life, improving learning experience, enhancing teaching resources, improving the environment or facilities of their schools' neighbourhood and/or realising smart living.
     The General Manager of the Smart City Division of the HKPC, Mr Samson Suen, also officiated at the event today. Senior practitioners of the innovative technology and education sectors were invited to share with students and other participants about 5G and AI applications and the future development trends. A representative from the HKPC also briefed the audience about the requirements and points to note of the Competition.
     The Competition is supported by the communications sector as well as various educational organisations, including the Communications Association of Hong Kong, the Association of I.T. Leaders in Education, the Hong Kong Association for Computer Education, the Hong Kong Competence Education Research Institute, the Association of Hong Kong Chinese Middle Schools, the Hong Kong Computer Society, the Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers and the Hong Kong STEM Education Alliance.
     Application for the Competition is open until May 31. Participants should take part as a school team consisting of three to five students and one teacher as team leader. To enrol in and learn more about the Competition, please visit OFCA's website (www.ofca.gov.hk/5gcompetition/en/home/index.html).
Ends/Saturday, May 18, 2024
Issued at HKT 17:00
Today's Press Releases  


The Office of the Communications Authority held the Kick-off Ceremony cum Seminar of the second 5G Campus Application Competition today (May 18). Photo shows the Director-General of Communications, Mr Chaucer Leung (left), and the General Manager of the Smart City Division of the Hong Kong Productivity Council, Mr Samson Suen (right), officiating at the launching ceremony.
The Director-General of Communications, Mr Chaucer Leung, delivers opening remarks at the Kick-off Ceremony cum Seminar of the second 5G Campus Application Competition today (May 18).
The Office of the Communications Authority held the Kick-off Ceremony cum Seminar of the second 5G Campus Application Competition today (May 18). Photo shows the Director-General of Communications, Mr Chaucer Leung (front row, centre), with the guests, speakers and representatives from supporting organisations at the ceremony.