InnoCarnival 2023 exhibits I&T achievements to promote smart living (with photos)

     Organised by the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC), InnoCarnival 2023 (IC 2023) is being held from today (October 28) to November 5 at the Hong Kong Science Park. Under the theme "Go Smart! Go Tech! Go Green!", this year's carnival features a number of exhibits of local innovation and technology (I&T) achievements. IC 2023 is also one of the supporting events of Happy Hong Kong.
     Officiating at the opening ceremony of IC 2023, the Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, said that cultivating I&T talents and creating conducive I&T atmosphere in the community have been vital in boosting I&T development in Hong Kong in recent years. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government also proactively attracts strategic enterprises to Hong Kong, that drives the inflow of enterprises and talents of the upstream, midstream and downstream of the industry chains. Together with cities in the Greater Bay Area, the region would become a world-class international I&T centre.

     He noted that the Chief Executive proposed a range of measures in his newly released Policy Address to foster I&T development, which help accelerate commercialisation of research and development outcomes and development of I&T industrialisation.

     In terms of green technology, Mr Chan pointed out that Hong Kong has nurtured a number of high quality green tech enterprises, which have expanded their businesses overseas. By being creative and courageous, start-ups in Hong Kong would have a bright future ahead.
     The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups and the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation are campaign partners of IC 2023. The event is supported by over 50 partners. For the carnival, about 40 booths have been set up at the Hong Kong Science Park, showcasing a series of I&T achievements and interactive games, together with around 150 workshops covering a wide range of I&T topics, including parent-child workshops, and over 30 webinars, with the aim of showing the public the importance of I&T in people's daily lives, and inspiring the younger generation to pursue knowledge and cultivate an interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).
     All IC 2023 activities are free of charge. Some of the activities require preregistration. Details are available at the thematic webpage ( Members of the public are most welcome to join.

     Other officiating guests at today's ceremony included the Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Professor Sun Dong; the Permanent Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Mr Eddie Mak; the Under Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Ms Lillian Cheong; the Commissioner for Innovation and Technology, Mr Ivan Lee; the Executive Director of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, Ms Helen Hsu; and the Chief Financial Officer of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, Mr Aldous Mak.

Ends/Saturday, October 28, 2023
Issued at HKT 16:49