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Transport Department launches online application service for international driving permits (with photos)
     ​The Transport Department (TD) today (September 26) launched an online application service for an International Driving Permit (IDP) to bring convenience to the public.

     "iAM Smart+" users or eligible applicants holding a valid personal digital certificate may complete the application entirely online via the GovHK website (www.gov.hk/en/residents/transport/drivinglicense/osintldrivingpermit.htm) and receive the IDP by post, without the need to visit the Licensing Offices in person. 

     Upon receipt of the online application, the successfully applied for IDP will normally be sent to the applicant by registered post within 10 working days if the submitted documents and photo are in order. Members of the public who plan to drive outside Hong Kong are advised to allow sufficient time for the IDP applications to be processed.

     Members of the public may continue to submit IDP applications through existing methods, which are to visit the Licensing Offices in person, or send by post or via the drop-in boxes placed at the Licensing Offices. Those who wish to submit applications over the counters at the Licensing Offices may book an appointment in advance via the website (www.gov.hk/en/residents/transport/drivinglicense/idpabs.htm) or by phone (3763 8080) to save time from queuing.

     As the IDP processed online will have information printed on an entire sticker, the layout of the information will be slightly different from the IDP currently issued for applications submitted through other channels. Nevertheless, both carry the TD's stamp and are valid IDPs.

     For enquiries, please call 2804 2600. 


The Transport Department today (September 26) launched an online application service for an International Driving Permit (IDP) to bring convenience to the public. Photo shows a sample of an IDP issued for online applications.
The Transport Department today (September 26) launched an online application service for an International Driving Permit (IDP) to bring convenience to the public. Photo shows a sample of an IDP issued for applications submitted via a visit to Licensing Offices in person, by post or drop-in boxes.
Ends/Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Issued at HKT 11:00
Today's Press Releases  


The Transport Department today (September 26) launched an online application service for an International Driving Permit (IDP) to bring convenience to the public. Photo shows a sample of an IDP issued for online applications.
The Transport Department today (September 26) launched an online application service for an International Driving Permit (IDP) to bring convenience to the public. Photo shows a sample of an IDP issued for applications submitted via a visit to Licensing Offices in person, by post or drop-in boxes.