Community Involvement Projects on Maintenance now accepts applications

     The Home and Youth Affairs Bureau (HYAB) launched the 2023-25 Community Involvement Projects on Maintenance (CIPM) today (July 3).

     The CIPM aims to provide sponsorship for organisations to organise projects with a view to enhancing public awareness of the rights of maintenance payees and the services available to maintenance payees in the event of default payment by maintenance payers. Also, it advocates the responsibilities of maintenance payers to comply with maintenance payment. Each project shall be completed within 15 months with a maximum amount of sponsorship of $120,000. 

     The HYAB now invites organisations to apply for the CIPM and submit project proposals. Application form and funding guideline have been uploaded to the website of the HYAB ( Interested organisations may submit applications on or before August 2.

Ends/Monday, July 3, 2023
Issued at HKT 12:00