Implementation arrangement of Red and Amber Codes
A Government spokesman said, "The latest versions of the 'LeaveHomeSafe' (LHS) mobile application and the QR Code Verification Scanner which support the Red and Amber Codes have been operating smoothly. In cases which individual persons are unable to obtain a Red Code, it may be attributed to various reasons, such as the relevant persons were confirmed to be a positive case before the Red Code was introduced (i.e. before August 9), their LHS mobile application has not been updated to version 3.4.0 or above or their mobile devices were not connected to the Internet. It may also be caused if they have used a different identity document and number when undergoing nucleic acid tests/declaring positive rapid antigen test (RAT) results/making inbound declarations, other than the one they used for receiving vaccination. For any doubt, members of the public may call the LHS hotline (2626 3066) to seek assistance. The operation of the Red and Amber Codes has been running smoothly. To date, over 48 million times of matching were performed by the system and about 28 000 codes conversions were conducted."
Furthermore, under the current requirements of isolation order, confirmed cases who have received at least two doses of COVID-19 vaccines may complete the isolation on Day 7 the earliest if they obtained negative RAT results for two consecutive days. Their Red Code will be converted to a Blue Code upon self-declaration through the system.
At present, when confirmed cases complete self-declaration of positive RAT results online, or receive positive results after undergoing nucleic acid tests, their LHS mobile application of version 3.4.0 or above will automatically conduct matching with system information through Internet connection. The system will then convert their Vaccine Pass QR code to a Red Code according to the record.
Persons who have received at least two doses of COVID-19 vaccines may complete their isolation early after obtaining negative RAT results on both Day 6 and Day 7 (or two consecutive days thereafter). They are required to self-declare the negative RAT results on the website ( Upon receipt of declaration by the system, the LHS will conduct matching with system information through Internet connection and the Red Code of relevant persons will then be reverted to a Blue Code automatically. It is noteworthy that the Vaccine Pass will remain as a Red Code before self-declaration was completed by confirmed cases. For persons who have not been vaccinated or have only received one dose of COVID-19 vaccine, they are required to complete a 14-day isolation at the isolation premises. The Red Code will subsequently revert to the Blue Code automatically.
Inbound persons from overseas places or Taiwan will be issued a quarantine order upon arrival in Hong Kong. The system will automatically display their Vaccine Pass QR Code as an Amber Code. When their medical surveillance period ends (i.e. 9am on Day 7 after arrival), the LHS will conduct matching with system information through Internet connection and automatically convert their Amber Code to a Blue Code.
The spokesman added, "We also noticed that a small number of persons encountered difficulties when entering premises subject to 'active checking'. Follow-up action was taken immediately to review the system, ensuring that the code conversion operation is in order to update the QR code for relevant persons to a correct one. As some premises are still using outdated QR Code Verification Scanners which are yet to be updated to version 4.4.0 or above in time, it may also result in situation that individual persons are unable to enter such premises with the Vaccine Pass."
The Government reminded persons-in-charge or managers of relevant premises that they are required to use the updated version of scanners starting from August 12 according to the latest directions issued under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F). Should members of the public have any enquiries about the LHS and the conversion of codes, they may call the LHS hotline (2626 3066). All enquiries concerning code conversion received by the hotline over the past few days have been properly handled.
Ends/Saturday, August 13, 2022
Issued at HKT 18:30
Issued at HKT 18:30