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Labour Department to resume normal public services tomorrow
     The Labour Department (LD) announced today (April 20) that all service counters and the two occupational health clinics in Kwun Tong and Fanling under the LD will resume normal public services from tomorrow (April 21).
     In view of public health considerations, members of the public must wear surgical masks at all times when they enter or are present in the LD's offices, and comply with the infection control measures implemented by the department including using the "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile app, temperature checks and crowd control arrangements.
     To reduce face-to-face contact, the LD appeals to members of the public to continue to make use of the department's online services and information (www.labour.gov.hk), and to file enquiries and requests for service by email at enquiry@labour.gov.hk. For information about employment rights and benefits, members of the public may browse the LD's website at www.labour.gov.hk/eng/faq/content.htm.
     Job seekers can also use the Interactive Employment Service Website (www.jobs.gov.hk) for job searches. The LD's Telephone Employment Service Centre, all Job Centres and industry-based Recruitment Centres will continue to provide enquiry and employment services by telephone during office hours (telephone numbers and office hours are shown at www.jobs.gov.hk/0/en/information/ourservices/jobcentres).
     Applicants for issue or renewal of licences of employment agencies may submit their applications to the office of the Employment Agencies Administration by post (Unit 906, 9/F, One Mong Kok Road Commercial Centre, 1 Mong Kok Road, Kowloon) or email (ea-ee@labour.gov.hk).
Ends/Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Issued at HKT 11:00
Today's Press Releases