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MWC invites views from various sectors on review of Statutory Minimum Wage rate
The following is issued on behalf of the Minimum Wage Commission:

     The Minimum Wage Commission (MWC) today (April 20) commenced a six-week public consultation to invite views from various sectors of the community, including members of the public and stakeholders, on the review of the Statutory Minimum Wage (SMW) rate.

     The MWC adopts an evidence-based approach in reviewing the SMW rate. Apart from making reference to and analysing relevant statistical data and information, the MWC also conducts extensive consultations to fully consider the views from various sectors of the community on the review of the SMW rate.

     Relevant reference data and information have been uploaded to the MWC's website (www.mwc.org.hk). The data and information are for reference only and do not imply that the MWC has any preconceived stance or has come to any conclusion on its recommendation about the SMW rate. Reference can also be made to the 2021 Report on Annual Earnings and Hours Survey released by the Census and Statistics Department available at the department's website (www.censtatd.gov.hk).

     Various sectors of the community are welcome to express their views on the review of the SMW rate in writing to the MWC by e-Form (www.mwc.org.hk/en/consultation/index.html) on the MWC's website; by email (mwc@labour.gov.hk); by fax (2110 3518); or by post (Minimum Wage Commission, 1/F, Harbour Building, 38 Pier Road, Central), on or before May 31. The public can also contact the Secretariat of the MWC at 2852 3862.

     Pursuant to the Minimum Wage Ordinance (Cap. 608), the MWC is tasked to report to the Chief Executive in Council its recommendation about the SMW rate. In performing its function, the MWC must have regard to the need to maintain an appropriate balance between the objectives of forestalling excessively low wages and minimising the loss of low-paid jobs, and the need to sustain Hong Kong's economic growth and competitiveness.
Ends/Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Issued at HKT 10:00
Today's Press Releases