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Use of snake cages for fishing regulated
     ​To regulate the use of snake cages (which is a type of cage trap) for fishing, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) today (December 22) announced the amendment of registration conditions for the Certificate of Registration of Local Fishing Vessel (registration certificate) regarding the part on cage traps, to be implemented by phases.

     An AFCD spokesman said, "In light of the concerns of the public and fishermen organisations on the impact of using snake cages for fishing on local fisheries resources, the AFCD, upon thorough consideration of the opinions of relevant stakeholders, has decided to amend the registration condition of the registration certificates relevant to cage traps in accordance with section 17 of the Fisheries Protection Ordinance (Cap. 171) (the Ordinance), with a view to regulating the use of snake cages for fishing."

     The part of the conditions of registration certificates relevant to cage traps is amended to: "Any collapsible cage traps should not be connected in any way to another; or should not exceed five metres in any of its extended dimensions."

     The above condition shall apply immediately to all new relevant registration applications under section 14 of the Ordinance, including registration of former trawlers or their replacements, alteration to conditions of registration and change of ownership.

     A grace period will apply to existing registration certificate holders with cage traps registered, so they will have time to understand the details of the new amendment, modify their operation and dispose of their fishing gear. The grace period will end on March 31, 2022. The AFCD will start issuing new registration certificates with the amended condition to certificate holders with cage traps registered after the grace period. The amended condition takes effect on the date specified in the new registration certificate. The AFCD will take enforcement action on fishing using snake cages after the amended condition becomes effective.

     Individual certificate holders, who mainly fish with snake cages and require more time to modify their operation, are required to apply to the AFCD in writing on or before February 28, 2022. The AFCD may consider extending the grace period of individual certificate holders to December 31, 2022, depending on the circumstances.

     For enquiries, please contact the Fisheries Enforcement and Special Projects Division, AFCD, by telephone (2150 7109) or email (fish_lic_enf@afcd.gov.hk).
Ends/Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Issued at HKT 17:52
Today's Press Releases