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HKSAR Government and eBRAM sign MoU on Hong Kong Legal Cloud service provision (with photos)
     The Secretary for Justice, Ms Teresa Cheng, SC, signed a memorandum of understanding with the Chairman of the eBRAM International Online Dispute Resolution Centre, Dr Thomas So, to engage eBRAM as a service provider of the Hong Kong Legal Cloud services today (December 22).

     To enhance the capability of the legal profession to harness modern technology in the provision of legal and dispute resolution services and to encourage the local legal and dispute resolution communities to subscribe to the Hong Kong Legal Cloud services developed by a selected non-profit-making non-governmental body through public-private partnership, the Department of Justice will provide funding support of around $15.7 million (the Hong Kong Legal Cloud Fund) for this purpose.

     Eligible subscribers will be subsidised through the Hong Kong Legal Cloud Fund, which is administered by the Asian Academy of International Law on a pro bono basis and will in turn be used to finance the setup cost and initial operational and promotion costs through disbursement of subscription fees to the selected provider for up to three years.

     Upon careful consideration of the submissions and supplementary information provided by all the interested service providers in response to the relevant announcement by the department made in February 2021, eBRAM has been selected as the service provider of the Hong Kong Legal Cloud services. With support from the Hong Kong Legal Cloud Fund, eBRAM will develop an advanced and user-friendly online facility situated in Hong Kong to provide safe, secure and affordable data storage services for the local legal and dispute communities.

     Ms Cheng expressed her appreciation to eBRAM for supporting the department's latest lawtech initiatives to benefit a larger number of local legal and dispute resolution practitioners.

     For more details on the Hong Kong Legal Cloud, please visit the department's webpage.


The Secretary for Justice, Ms Teresa Cheng, SC (right), and the Chairman of the eBRAM International Online Dispute Resolution Centre, Dr Thomas So (left), sign a memorandum of understanding to engage eBRAM as a service provider of the Hong Kong Legal Cloud services today (December 22).
The Secretary for Justice, Ms Teresa Cheng, SC, and the Chairman of the eBRAM International Online Dispute Resolution Centre, Dr Thomas So, signed a memorandum of understanding to engage eBRAM as a service provider of the Hong Kong Legal Cloud services today (December 22). Photo shows (from left) the Commissioner of the Inclusive Dispute Avoidance and Resolution Office of the Department of Justice, Dr James Ding; Ms Cheng; Dr So; and the Chief Executive Officer of eBRAM, Ms Emmanuelle Ta, at the signing ceremony.
Ends/Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Issued at HKT 14:25
Today's Press Releases  


The Secretary for Justice, Ms Teresa Cheng, SC (right), and the Chairman of the eBRAM International Online Dispute Resolution Centre, Dr Thomas So (left), sign a memorandum of understanding to engage eBRAM as a service provider of the Hong Kong Legal Cloud services today (December 22).
The Secretary for Justice, Ms Teresa Cheng, SC, and the Chairman of the eBRAM International Online Dispute Resolution Centre, Dr Thomas So, signed a memorandum of understanding to engage eBRAM as a service provider of the Hong Kong Legal Cloud services today (December 22). Photo shows (from left) the Commissioner of the Inclusive Dispute Avoidance and Resolution Office of the Department of Justice, Dr James Ding; Ms Cheng; Dr So; and the Chief Executive Officer of eBRAM, Ms Emmanuelle Ta, at the signing ceremony.