Hospital Authority welcomes the Government to announce Hong Kong Cancer Strategy

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The Hospital Authority (HA) welcomed the announcement of the Hong Kong Cancer Strategy by the Food and Health Bureau today (July 26). The HA will align with the priority and direction stipulated in the Cancer Strategy to strengthen the services provided to cancer patients and carers through hardware and software improvements, cancer treatment and care, as well as the service of the Hong Kong Cancer Registry.

     An HA spokesperson said, "In terms of hardware, the HA is building new oncology centres in different hospitals through the 10-Year Hospital Development Plan, as well as utilising the funding provided by the Government to upgrade and procure new medical equipment. Regarding software, the HA will recruit additional manpower and streamline multidisciplinary collaboration so as to provide timely and appropriate treatment to patients.
     "Besides, the HA is also strengthening the treatment and care services for cancer patients, including the widening of drug formulary coverage and extending the cancer case manager programme to more types of cancer, as well as enhancing support to palliative patients and cancer survivors.
     "The Hong Kong Cancer Registry will capture and collate more staging information of different types of cancer for regular release to facilitate surveillance and prevention of cancer with more precise data."
     Meanwhile, the HA is formulating a Strategic Service Framework for Cancer Services, aiming at further enhancement of cancer services provided in public hospitals.

Ends/Friday, July 26, 2019
Issued at HKT 18:10