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Voter registration for 2019 to close on July 2
     The Registration and Electoral Office (REO) today (June 18) urged eligible persons who have not yet registered as electors to submit applications for new registration by the statutory deadline of July 2 so that their registration particulars can be included in the final register to be released in September this year, and they can vote in the District Council Ordinary Election to be held in November.
     "Hong Kong permanent residents holding an identity document who have reached 18 years of age and ordinarily reside in Hong Kong are eligible to register as electors. When registering as an elector, the person will also become an elector in the District Council (Second) Functional Constituency, commonly known as the Super District Council.
     "In addition to residential addresses, electors should also provide their telephone numbers and email addresses to the REO, so that the REO can contact them more promptly and efficiently if necessary, and they may receive election mail from candidates via email," a spokesman for the REO said.
     The REO continues to implement checking measures in the current voter registration cycle and has issued inquiry letters to some 78 000 electors. To remind electors of the importance of the inquiry letters, all envelopes of the letters are stamped with the prominent reminder message: "Immediate action required. Your voting right is at stake". Using other contact information provided by the electors under inquiry, the REO has also contacted them via telephone, mobile phone short message service, email or fax to remind them to respond as soon as possible. Electors under inquiry are urged to respond by July 2 so that their registration status can be retained.
     Application forms for voter registration can be obtained from the REO, District Offices and the management offices of public housing estates. They can also be downloaded from the voter registration website (www.voterregistration.gov.hk).
     Completed forms can be submitted by mail to the REO at 13/F, Kowloonbay International Trade and Exhibition Centre, 1 Trademart Drive, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, by fax to 2891 1180 or by email to form@reo.gov.hk.
     For enquiries, please call the REO hotline at 2891 1001.
Ends/Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Issued at HKT 18:18
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