Secretary for Justice to visit UK

     The Secretary for Justice, Mr Rimsky Yuen, SC, will visit London and Oxford, the United Kingdom (UK), from May 23 to 26 to provide an update on Hong Kong's latest developments concerning the rule of law and to enhance exchanges on international legal and dispute resolution services between Hong Kong and the UK.
     During his stay in London, Mr Yuen will visit Asia House, where he will give a speech on the "one country, two systems" policy and the rule of law in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the past 20 years and the future. He will also meet with representatives of the legal and dispute resolution services community, including those of the Bar Council and the Law Society.
     While in Oxford, Mr Yuen will deliver a speech with the title "The development of common law in Hong Kong - past, present and future" under the Mok Hing Yiu Memorial Lectureship, at St Hugh's College, University of Oxford.
     Mr Yuen will also meet with Hong Kong people in the UK and pay a courtesy call to the Chinese Ambassador to the UK, Mr Liu Xiaoming. 
     He will return to Hong Kong in the evening on May 27.

Ends/Monday, May 22, 2017
Issued at HKT 16:00