Updates of merchant shipping safety law proposed

     The Government proposes to make subsidiary regulations under the Merchant Shipping (Safety) Ordinance (Cap. 369) to implement the latest requirements of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea. 
     The new requirements impose more stringent standards for ocean-going vessels in respect of the installation, maintenance and operation of radiocommunications equipment, as well as life-saving appliances such as lifeboats and rescue boats. Seafarers who have been assigned specific duties in rescue are also required to undertake regular emergency training and drills.
     A spokesman for the Transport and Housing Bureau said today (May 19), "The new requirements and enhanced standards will improve the chances of rescue in accidents."
     The Panel on Economic Development of the Legislative Council (LegCo) and the Shipping Consultative Committee of the Marine Department have been consulted. Members supported the legislative proposals.
     The legislative proposals were gazetted today and will be tabled at the LegCo on May 24 for negative vetting.

Ends/Friday, May 19, 2017
Issued at HKT 11:00