Correctional officers stop fighting between persons in custody

     Correctional officers at Shek Pik Prison stopped a fight between two persons in custody this afternoon (September 3).

     At 12.30pm, a 59-year-old and a 26-year-old male person in custody fought in the dining hall. Officers at the scene immediately stopped the fight and separated the two men, and called for reinforcements.

     Reinforcement staff arrived and took the two persons in custody to the centre hospital for examination. The two men sustained injuries to their heads. The 59-year-old person in custody was transferred to a public hospital for further examination and treatment after receiving treatment from a medical officer at the centre hospital.

     The case has been reported to Police for investigation.

     The 59-year-old person in custody and 26-year-old person in custody were sentenced for the offences of throwing corrosive fluid and burglary respectively.

Ends/Thursday, September 3, 2015
Issued at HKT 20:35