SFH on Clean Hong Kong Campaign and lead in drinking water incidents

     Following is the transcript of remarks made by the Secretary for Food and Health, Dr Ko Wing-man, after attending Wan Chai District Clean Hong Kong Campaign today (August 2):

Reporter: Does the Government mean to make the Clean Hong Kong Campaign a continuous one?

Secretary for Food and Health: It is certainly the intention of the Government to make the clean Hong Kong initiative a continuous and sustainable one, not a one-off activity. Of course, it is not easy. I will meet the Chairpersons of the environmental hygiene committees of the 18 District Councils sometime in September. We will discuss how to make the Clean Hong Kong Campaign a sustainable and continuous activity. Of course, it is not easy as I said. The Government would also like to listen to the District Councils and to see what sort of support they could provide to the Government.

Reporter: (about portable blood lead examination machine)

Secretary for Food and Health: Regarding the portable lead level examination equipment, it does not mean that once we procured this equipment, we can deploy our medical personnel with this equipment everywhere to take blood samples and conduct examination. The whole examination process is still a very professional one and we need to be very careful. The equipment procured will mainly be used at the back end to support our laboratory examination of blood lead level. The appointment and blood taking arrangements for affected residents at public hospitals remain unchanged.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

Ends/Sunday, August 2, 2015
Issued at HKT 12:35