"Creative Hong Kong 䄰 Tianjin" series and Hong Kong film week in Tianjin to promote economic and cultural exchanges (with photos)

     The Office of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in Beijing (Beijing Office) will launch a series of "Creative Hong Kong䄰Tianjin" promotional events in Tianjin tomorrow (June 17) to foster closer economic and cultural exchanges between Hong Kong and Tianjin and to showcase Hong Kong's creative and enterprising spirit to Tianjin residents.

     The series of events will include a seminar on creative branding, a Hong Kong film week, a "Creative Hong Kong䄰Tianjin" thematic exhibition and the Hong Kong Brand and Products Expo organised by the Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong as part of the Tianjin State of the Art World Fair for Overseas Entrepreneurs.
     "Hong Kong Film Week䄰Tianjin", a key part of the creative series, will be held at Cinema Palace at Riverview Place, Tianjin. During a seven-day period from June 17 to 23, five quality Hong Kong-produced movies will be presented: "My Voice, My Life", "Full Strike", "Little Big Master", "Two Thumbs Up" and "Dot 2 Dot".

     The film week is co-organised by the Beijing Office and Broadway Cinematheque, and supported by Riverview Place and Cinema Palace in Tianjin. It aims to promote Hong Kong's contemporary movie culture as well as showcase Hong Kong's enterprising spirit and resilience in the face of adversity.

     The opening ceremony of the film week will be held tomorrow at the atrium of Riverview Place in Tianjin. The officiating guests will be the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Gregory So; the Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the Tianjin Municipal People's Government, Mr Wang Shuhua; the Director of Tianjin's Municipal Administration of Culture, Radio, Film and Television, Mr Huang Yonggang; the Director of the Beijing Office, Ms Gracie Foo; the General Manager of the Broadway Circuit in China and Hong Kong, Ms Grace Cheung; the ambassador of the film week, Nick Cheung; and Oscar-winning documentary director Ruby Yang.

     The ceremony will be followed by the screening of the opening film, "My Voice, My Life". The director of the movie, Ruby Yang, will have an exchange session with the audience after the screening.

     The five movies selected for the film week are of different genres, and each tells a different story about Hong Kong people's positive attributes of optimism and resilience in overcoming adversity. The films include a number of directorial debuts, fully illustrating the vibrancy of Hong Kong movies. In addition, three of the selected movies, "My Voice, My Life", "Full Strike" and "Dot 2 Dot", will be shown for the first time to the public on the Mainland.

     Exchange sessions will be held during the film week for directors and audience members to interact and deepen understanding of each other. The exchange sessions will also allow Tianjin residents to get to know more about the professionalism, dedication, hard work, high creativity and high efficiency in Hong Kong's movie production.

     Beyond the film week, about 150 representatives from Tianjin and Hong Kong enterprises will attend the "Branding in Mainland with Hong Kong's Creativity" seminar to be held tomorrow afternoon. The seminar is co-organised by the Beijing Office, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, the Tianjin Commission of Commerce and the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the Tianjin Municipal People's Government. It is supported by the Tianjin Branch of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and the Tianjin Federation of Industry and Commerce. The seminar will introduce Hong Kong's creative industries and their edge in branding and marketing with a view to enhancing the branding and marketing strategies of the enterprises.

Ends/Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Issued at HKT 17:20