SCED's speech at Business of Design Week 2014 Gala Dinner (English only)

     Following is the speech by the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Gregory So, at the Business of Design Week 2014 Gala Dinner today (December 5):

Victor (Chairman of Hong Kong Design Centre, Mr Victor Lo), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

     It gives me great pleasure to join the Gala Dinner this evening. A big and warm welcome to our old and new friends who have travelled a long way to Hong Kong for the Gala Dinner and the Business of Design Week.

     Thanks to the hard work of the Hong Kong Design Centre and the design community, Hong Kong offers an array of design-related programmes in December every year, with the Business of Design Week, or BODW in short, as the premier programme among all. BODW commands the attention of those who are passionate about design. World-class designers and innovative business leaders gather in Hong Kong to share invaluable experience in innovative creation and design. The Gala Dinner tonight marks the climax of the week-long BODW. We will also present the three most important awards under the Design for Asia Awards, namely the Lifetime Achievement Award, the World﷿s Outstanding Chinese Designer and the Design Leadership Award. As we celebrate design excellence and congratulate the award winners on their outstanding achievements, we can also take the opportunity to reflect on the value of design for the business sector and the community.

     BODW provides the best exposure opportunity for the best of design. This year we are very glad to have Sweden as our partner country. Many of us in Hong Kong are very familiar with the Swedish brands, especially those in the fields of furniture and household goods, fashion, automobiles and telecommunications. BODW introduces us to many more Swedish brands that span different aspects of our daily life, and enhances our understanding of the Swedish design and functionality. Also on show together with the Swedish designs are Hong Kong designs, and good designs around the world that have been recognised to have created an impact on the Asian lifestyle.

     The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has attached great importance to the development of the design industry. We have been working closely with the Hong Kong Design Centre in promoting design. With the concerted efforts of the Design Centre, the trade, the academia and the Government, Hong Kong will scale new heights in the promotion and use of design, contributing to a better and more exciting life for all in this global village.

     I would like to congratulate the Design Centre on another successful BODW. I would also like to thank all the collaborating parties and sponsors for their support. I wish you all a very enjoyable evening. Thank you.

Ends/Friday, December 5, 2014
Issued at HKT 20:19