SFST promotes Hong Kong as premium offshore Renminbi hub in Paris (with photos)

     The Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Professor K C Chan, started his week-long visit in Europe on December 1 (Paris time) to boost bilateral relations between Hong Kong and Europe and to promote Hong Kong as the world's premium offshore Renminbi (RMB) hub.
     Upon arrival in Paris this morning, Professor Chan first met with the Board Chairman of Autorité des Marchンs Financiers (Authority of Financial Markets), Mr Gンrard Rameix, and gave a brief on Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Hong Kong's unique role in the internationalisation of RMB.

     A lunch meeting was then held with the Chairman of European Securities and Market Authority, Mr Steven Maijoor. The two sides had an in-depth exchange on a wide range of financial issues of mutual interest.
     This was followed by a meeting with the Governor of the General Council of Banque de France (Bank of France), Mr Christian Noyer, during which they exchanged views on the economic outlook in Europe.

     To conclude his first day of visit, Professor Chan attended a gathering in the evening with members of the Hong Kong community, giving them updates on Hong Kong's latest developments.
     Before leaving Paris for Brussels today afternoon (December 2, Paris time), Professor Chan will give a keynote speech on RMB business and Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect at a seminar co-organised by the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau and the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Brussels, and supported by Paris EUROPLACE, the Association Française de la Gestion Financière (French Asset Management Association) and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.

Ends/Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Issued at HKT 10:22