Science Museum to hold Distinguished Chinese Scientists Lecture Series 2014 next Friday

     Members of the public are invited to attend the Distinguished Chinese Scientists Lecture Series 2014, which will be held next Friday (November 28) at the Lecture Hall of the Hong Kong Science Museum.

     The lectures are jointly presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, the China Association for Science and Technology, the Beijing-Hong Kong Academic Exchange Centre, and the China Association (HK) for Science and Society Ltd.

     Three distinguished Chinese scientists have been invited to speak on their work in their respective fields, and on the prospects for future technological development.

     Details of the lectures are as follows:

First lecture: "Recent Advances on Nano-materials and Technologies for Advanced Electronics, Photonics and MEMS Applications" (Conducted in Cantonese)
Speaker: Professor Wong Ching-ping (Dean, Faculty of Engineering, the Chinese University of Hong Kong; foreign academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering)
Time: 2pm to 3.15pm

Second lecture: "The Development and Progress of Chinese Aviation Science and Technology" (Conducted in Putonghua)
Speaker: Mr Zhang Juen (Former Director, Science and Technology Department, Aviation Industry Corporation of China; Former Secretary-General, Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
Time: 3.25pm to 4.25pm

Third lecture: "Global Navigation Satellite System and the Determination of Precise Elevation" (Conducted in Putonghua)
Speaker: Professor Li Jiancheng (Dean, School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University; Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering)
Time: 4.35pm to 5.35pm

     Professor Lee Wing-bun, who holds the Cheng Yick-chi Chair Professor of Manufacturing Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, will serve as moderator for each lecture.

     Chinese scientists have played a significant role in scientific research and technological development, making remarkable achievements in various research areas, and have gained global recognition for their work. Since 2003, more than 50 well-known Chinese scientists have been invited to give lectures on various topics, sharing the latest technological advancements with the public, and encouraging young people to participate in scientific research.

     The talks will have simultaneous interpretation in Putonghua or Cantonese. Admission is free. Seats are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. For details of the lectures, please visit the website at, or call 2732 3223.

     The Hong Kong Science Museum is located at 2 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East.

Ends/Friday, November 21, 2014
Issued at HKT 15:15